A Singaporean high roller has taken the concept of “a losing streak” to a whole new level when he made a gambling debt of no less than $43M! What started as a potentially profitable arrangement for both parties has ended in a feud that will have its finale in court…
Dr Wong Lets His Hair Down…
It all started in July last year when Dr Wong Yew Choy was invited by the casino to spend a few extravagant days on the Gold Coast and play at the recently renovated Broadbeach premises. Upon arriving, the good doctor handed over a blank check, which was intended to cover any outstanding debts at the end of his stay.
Over the next 5 days, Wong managed to lose approximately $8.6M a day, leaving behind a trail of Baccarat debts that piled up to $43,000,000.00! The casino operators must have been smiling and rubbing their hands all the way to the bank – up until the check bounced.
Will Star Entertainment Group Casino Manage to Collect the Debt?
According to Dr Wong, a series of mishaps occurred during his stay at the casino resort, which is the reason he instructed the bank not to honour the check. All of these incidents were reported to the casino officials, and although they admitted to them, the official position of the representatives remains that the alleged errors could not have affected the outcome of the game.
The matter is now transferred to the High Court in Singapore, as neither of the two involved parties is planning to back down. The Star Casino spokesperson has stated that the debt is being pursued vigorously, while Dr Wong intends on holding his ground “as a matter of principle”, as advised by his lawyer, Abraham Vergis, in the statement for The Strait Times.
The Star Casino
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Harvey Dickenson
Safe Gambling Specialist
Harvey Dickenson is our safe gambling specialist. Harvey is a recreational poker player and an expert in online casino safety, cons, and scams.