History of gambling laws in Maryland
There are extraordinary gambling laws that govern Maryland Casinos. It was 1791 when the state passed the first bill aimed at providing a legal framework for the lottery grants issue. Churches and other fraternal organizations would use these to raise funds for the good of the community. The grant was meant for companies to use and worked as business licenses would have, where the licensee was allowed to have a private lottery only for stated cause as long as the grant was valid.
Through this, a trend was established and would continue to be reenacted. By the year 1834, things had become got out of control. There were more than fifty lottery bureaus in Baltimore. These would hold more than 3,000 private lotteries. Some lottery grants would sometimes be traded off to private operators. The state responded by passing a vote stopping any new grants from being issued.
Dog, Cock and Ring Fighting
However, it took a quarter of a century to have the all the state-authorized lottery grants expire and subsequently vanish from the scene. Gambling continued big time in Baltimore. Many high standing citizens in the city approved of gambling. They had such activities as foot and horse racing, dog, cock and ring fighting, as well as thimble playing. All these were at the time illegal. This was not to change until the beginning of the 20th Century.
The Potomac River located in the southern part of the state had many amusement docks. Slot machines could often be found on riverboats. The advertisement termed them as intended only for amusement purposes. This is the same case as poker machines in pubs today. The constitution saw an introduction of an amendment that called for a plebiscite to revoke the ban on legalized lotteries. Phillip Wallace sponsored the amendment in 1935.
Allan Coad the state senator as well voiced his concern with illegal gambling. He presented a possible solution to adopt a gambling tax, which would provide a formidable solution. However, the amendment was defeated on November 8 1938. The slot machines continued to spread until they were legalized through a traditional state parochial. This was known as the local option where county delegation had the power to have legislation that would affect only the districts they represent.
Bigger than Vegas!
Maryland had three times the number of gambling devices compared to Nevada. In 1960, there was the establishment of an extraordinary grand jury in Anne Arundel County. The slot machines and organized crime were under investigation. The verdict from this revealed the disgrace of gambling in the county. This is mainly because it was seen as resulting in organized crime where gambling by youngsters had some upsetting patterns in families.
At this time, they had to grapple with problems where children under 16 years of age risked being arrested and prosecuted for gambling. They were also charged with robbery. The cause of this was seen as being because they needed money to spend on gambling. In 1962, many people in the state believed the slots were greatly affecting the local community for the profit of only a few individuals.
During the legislative sessions in 1963, there was a battle between lobbyists for gambling and legislators opposed to the slots. This attracted a lot of suspected bribery. With the shenanigans surrounding it, the anti-slots bill failed to pass in the House. The bill was finally passed on 29 March 1963. This mandated a freeze for any new licenses for slots. This also laid the path for the phasing out the slots machines by 1 July 1868. However, the gambling industry fought to have the date for phasing out the slots extended. The amount of bribery grew along with organized crime. Even with the lobbying and bribery, the last of the slots would be carted away as planned.
The next five years would see unsuccessful bills meant to legalize the slots once more. Maryland Casinos would change with the legalization of the lottery. Among the first states to pass the legislation, was Maryland in 1972. In the 1990s, there was a resurgence of lobbyists for slots. This is mainly because many other states implemented the slots.
Pari-mutel Horse Racing in Maryland
The primary form of gambling in the state is horse racing. This is among the most prominent of gambling industries in this state. One of the most famous races is the Preakness Stakes. As well, most of gambling in the state takes place on the internet. Today, the most profitable for gamblers is the gaming via online means. Many people have access to any game type. As well, online gambling does not have any limitation by state law.
As it stands today, without other Native American casinos such as those in other states, Maryland has a concentration of lottery and horse racing. On the other hand, all other forms of gambling apart from these are prohibited. The only exception is online gambling. For a person to participate in gambling, they need to be at least 21 years old.
The Maryland Horse Racing Act allows pari-mutuel betting that is conducted on various racetracks. Individuals are not allowed to conduct this. The Horse Racing Act excludes carnivals, bingo, bazaars as well as raffles that charity organizations conduct to raise funds. People who are in violation of the law pay a fine of up to 1000 dollars. Maryland Casinos also offer online gambling. This is, however, a grey area and can confuse players. The depositing and withdrawal options have been limited for many of these sites but you can view the best and most reliable US friendly casinos on this site.
Illegal Slots
Having slot machines in a vessel or building is illegal. An exception to the limitation is when a citizen of the state is in possession of an antique slot machine. The machine needs to have been manufactured more than 25 years old and not used for gambling. Breaking such a law will result to a fine amounting to around 500 dollars or one year of jail or even both.
The general population is not allowed to conduct a raffle. A genuine benevolent organization is only allowed to raffle a piece of real estate, a political committee or individual on the trot for statewide office. When it comes to a political committee or a politician, they may not have a raffle that exceeds five dollars. As well, no individual is allowed to purchase tickets worth more than 50 dollars.
Mike Scofield
CEO & Casino Expert
Mike Scofield is a casino expert and the CEO of Online-Casinos.co.uk. Before establishing the company, Mike worked in the marketing department of several land-based and online casinos.